Pini Parma: The Beauty Is In The Details.

I was fortunate enough to work with the brand Pini Parma and what stood out the most was their quality and attention to detail. The overall fit of the pieces were spot on! I was especially a fan of the shoulder of brushed cotton button down shirt which offered a very sartorial feel and a tailored look in the body.

The white corduroy trousers were very comfortable and the higher waist fit well for my body type. I also liked the wide waistband with the double buttons which elevated look of the trousers even more.

With so many brands to choose from Pini Parma is a company that seems to keep the quality and craftsmanship and the forefront of their business.

For more about this look checkout the brand at

Shot By: Steve Gonzalez @stevedjla

Edited By: Ontario Armstrong @ontarioarmstrong

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